Danny's Pre-Event Photo Session

 I recently had the pleasure of photographing Danny for his upcoming Bar Mitzvah by the Central Railroad of NJ Terminal in Jersey City. This now inactive railroad station was the perfect backdrop on a beautifully overcast day to capture Danny.

Fortunately, I’ve had the pleasure of working with Danny’s family in the past when I photographed his older sister’s Bat Mitzvah. Although the relationship has already been established with his family, like your average teenage boy, Danny was a bit shy and reserved. We wanted him to feel comfortable and at ease during his session, so we incorporated a basket ball to express his love for sports, and a guitar which coincides with his music themed Bar Mitzvah. 

 Overall, Danny rocked the shoot! His confidence shone through the images, his smile showcasing what this talented and bright young man had to offer. The entire family joined in towards the end, adding for even more fun and laughs during the session.


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